Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Backpack Safety

It’s the time of year again for kids to return back to school. Each and every year seems to bring the challenge of buying new clothes, supplies, and a back pack. This year we want to include some important statistics, as well as important information regarding backpacks.

A little know fact that a child carrying more than 10 percent of his or her body weight risks back and neck pain, while a child carrying more than 15 percent or more of his or her body weight can suffer from severe back, neck and shoulder pain, headaches and other spinal discomfort. When thinking of such small percentages, it’s astounding to realize that an elementary school child weighing 90lbs shouldn’t have more than a 9-13 pound backpack at the most. To put that in perspective a sample 4th grade reading book weighs around 4lbs would be equal to between a half and a third of the amount of weight that should be placed in a backpack. As parents it’s hard to realize how heavy the books are until they are all placed together in a lightweight back to support on your child’s spine.

How do we fix the problem? Periodically weighing a child’s backpack would be a great start. It may be easy for a parent to find ways to eliminate unneeded items in a backpack that would help lighten the load. It is also beneficial for the child to be shown the proper way to fill a backpack. The heavier or bulkier items should be up against the back part of the backpack that allows them to rest on the child’s back. It’s also important for the child to know that backpacks have 2 straps, and to ensure that they are worn with both straps. When wearing them with only one strap, it can add to increased weight on only one side of the child’s body.

With this continued issue of backpack safety it’s also important to ensure that your child has the right type of back pack. You want to ensure that the backpack isn’t too short to put pressure on the child’s mid-back, but not too long so it hangs down below their supportive area of the lower back. Some of the newer advances in backpack safety have been very beneficial. One of the more prominent new backpacks contain and air bladder that can be adjusted to correspond with backpack weight. These air bladders help support your child’s back as well as take weight off of the child’s back using the air bladder system.

So if you have a child that has pain from a backpack that is too heavy, or you as an adult feel like you are packing around a backpack due to pain, feel free to give our office a call for a new patient appointment.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We see day in and day out several cases of Neuropathy in our office. Not only that but we get alot of calls from patients asking us if we treat neuropathy. Well in short the answer is yes. You see neuropathy is used as a "catch all" phrase for the symptoms of tingling, pins needles etc. feeling that forms in your feet and or in the arms and hands. Now what most patients dont understand is that treating neuropathy is one thing (the symptom) and treating the cause of the neurpathy is quite another.
Most patients that come in with neuropathy have been diagnosed by their family doctor and are prescribed neurotin or some other drug to control the discomfort. That is fine, and we support that desicion but lets not just stop there with taking something that "masks" the symptoms. Lets find out what is causing the neuropathy and treat that. This way we are treating the cause of the symtpoms insted of treating only the symtoms.

With that being said, we must determine what is causing the symptoms. Usually the culprit is nerve irritation. But what is causing the irritation. Well that can be from degenerative discs in the spine, Diabetes, muscles tightening around the main nerve and or a host of other physical problems. Once the cause is identified then you can begin to come up with a treatment plan.

The treatment plans as you probably guessed vary just as much as the different causes of neuropathy. They can range from simple solutions such as stretching and muscle work to needing to obtain an MRI and undergo decompression treatments. But the easiest way to determine the cause is to get an evaluation by one of our Doctors and find out what is causing the irritation instead of just taking endless medications to cover up the symptoms.

The MAGNA team.